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Showing posts from February, 2017

Review ~ Gathering Darkness

Gathering Darkness by Morgan Rhodes Pages: 416 Published Date: December 9th, 2014 Genre: YA Fantasy Series: Book 3 of the Falling Kingdoms series  This is the third installment in the Falling Kingdoms series. Everyone wants the Kindred. The princesses, the king, the princes, the Watchers. All of them has different motives. Who will get them? Who will die? I guess we have to keep reading to figure that one out huh? *** As we all know, this series was indeed hard for me to get into. Now that I have, gotten into it, holy shite! This book had a lot of elements in it that I absolutely loved. The world has been built in a way that I really enjoyed and the characters... let's talk about the characters shall we? We have Magnus (of course I would start off with him), who I used to love and still do. He grew up as a character and his depth was clearly shown. How he tries so hard to be like his father (who is a piece of crap, I might add), but he still has that consciousn

Review ~ Crooked Kingdom

Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo Pages: 536 Published Date: September 27th, 2016 Genre: YA Fantasy Series: Yes, book 2 of Six of Crows duology What is that red thing on the floor there? Is that BLOOD? *looks closely* There it is. That's where my heart was ripped out and strewn! What a fabulous piece of work this was. I think I and many others can back me up on this one - this was one of the best reads of the year, hands down.  Are you looking for action? - You got it. Are you looking for romance/cutesy af scenes? - You got it. Are you looking for representation of LGBTQ+ at least in the slightest? - You got it. Are you looking for getting your heart broken? - YOU GOT IT! *** This novel is the second and final installment of the Six of Crows duology and I don't think there can ever be a much finer piece of work that any one of us could ever read. It takes off from the fact that Inej is still kidnapped and not found. Kaz and the rest of the crew ar

Top 5 Book Quotes

Clearly we all love reading. Why else are you here reading through this page? Here are some of my favorite book quotes that either broke my heart, or was inspirational. There are obviously a ton more of these quotes that should make it here, but I tried my best to narrow it down to just these 5 book quotes. 1.  Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by J.K. Rowling "Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light" - Professor Albus Dumbledore. This line is something that almost every book lover knows of. It is also a line that I tend to remind myself whenever I have days that I am upset in. The Harry Potter movies and books pretty much summed up my entire childhood and I cannot start off a list without mentioning one of it's book quotes. 2. A Court of Mist and Fury by Sarah J. Maas "To the people who look at the stars and wish, Rhys." Rhys clinked his glass against mine. "To the stars who l

Review ~ Rebel Spring

Rebel Spring  by Morgan Rhodes Pages: 401 Published Date: December 3rd, 2013 Genre: YA Fantasy Series: Book 2 of the Falling Kingdoms series Auranos has been defeated, and Cleo has been dethroned and imprisoned. Four brave people, who will win this war? Many are loved and hated. King Gaius starts to build a road to the Forbidden Mountains, connecting all of Mytica. The Kindred is key. *** This novel was so much better than the previous book that grazed this planet. I finally started liking some of the characters just a bit more. The writing style became slightly better as well. The characters - Cleo is still quite annoying, even though she is imprisoned. I have to give her brownie points just for being adamant about getting her throne back. But I would love to see a book wherein she can physically stand up for herself, rather than saying "unhand me" all the time. Magnus is still a cinnamon roll whose character is being developed and we can see peeks of h

Review ~ Scarlet

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer Pages: 464 Published Date: February 5th, 2013 Genre: YA sci-fi/ fantasy Series: The Lunar Chronicles #2 Getting a head start into this series just made me super glad.While it didn't feel like it was better than the first one, I did enjoy it. This story is a re-telling of The Little Red Riding Hood. Our very enthralling Cinder is trying to escape prison; and if she succeeds in doing so, she will be the most wanted criminal of both the Commonwealth and Luna. Halfway around the world, we have a redhead by the name of Scarlet who seems to think that her grandmother was abducted. She encounters a street-fighter by the name of Wolf and they travel to unravel a mystery! On this mysterious trip, they meet with Cinder, and now they have to work together. *** I personally found that Scarlet was really lacking. Either she was solely focused on losing her grandmother, or Wolf and she seemed quite characterless because of this. I was hopi

Review ~ Six of Crows

Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo Pages: 465  Published Date: September 29th, 2015 Genre: YA Fantasy, Magic Series: Yes, Six of Crows duology Ketterdam is a bustling hub of international trade where anything can be had for the right price. Kaz is offered an impossible heist, Will you do anything for the amount of money that is being provided to you? Will the heist be achievable? Can Kaz Brekker and his crew of 5 other people really make it through this time? Kaz's crew are the only ones who might stand between the world and destruction - if they don't end up killing each other. *** Clearly, I am late to this as well but HOLY CRAP was this book good. I think it totally deserves all the stars in the world. The story-world is something I have never seen before. The complexity of each of the places that were described, especially the heist's location was given with a lot of clarity. I usually end up not liking multiple points of views, but I genuinely l

Review ~ Falling Kingdoms

Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes Pages: 412 Published Date: December 11th, 2012 Genre: YA Fantasy Series: Book 1 of the Falling Kingdoms series After years of hearing great things about this series I finally decided to give it a shot and read it.  I'll tell you this much, don't believe the hype, sometimes it's just not worth it. I was not the biggest fan of this book, I am not too sure if it will get better in the future, but right now it just left so much for me to not like about it. There are 3 regions - Auranos - a beautiful, rich and peaceful land, Limeros - snowy, beautiful but is ruled by the King of Blood, and finally Palesia - an extremely poor region that is ruled over by someone who is living in riches. When I started there was some depth to the novel but it wasn't enough to help me reach that high level that various other books had left me to. I understand this is just the first book and requires some world building, but still, there were o