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Review ~ Crooked Kingdom

Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
Pages: 536
Published Date: September 27th, 2016
Genre: YA Fantasy
Series: Yes, book 2 of Six of Crows duology

What is that red thing on the floor there? Is that BLOOD? *looks closely* There it is. That's where my heart was ripped out and strewn!
What a fabulous piece of work this was. I think I and many others can back me up on this one - this was one of the best reads of the year, hands down. 
Are you looking for action? - You got it.
Are you looking for romance/cutesy af scenes? - You got it.
Are you looking for representation of LGBTQ+ at least in the slightest? - You got it.
Are you looking for getting your heart broken? - YOU GOT IT!

This novel is the second and final installment of the Six of Crows duology and I don't think there can ever be a much finer piece of work that any one of us could ever read.

It takes off from the fact that Inej is still kidnapped and not found. Kaz and the rest of the crew are trying what they can at getting her back.

Although it appears to all of us that Kaz isn't interested with the rescue of Inej, we all know the truth lies wherein he wants her safe, it's pretty obvious.
Inej is suffering with the bad guys but she doesn't want to give off any information that could potentially jeopardize the entire troop of 5 people.

Of course all the OTPs work out to be great and Wylan and Jesper are super amazing. I could feel Wesper's heart break when Jesper mistakenly kissed Kuwei.
When I finally started liking Matthias, he decided to get himself killed, that felt great. The fact that Nina was so upset killed me. She finally got to be happy with this guy who she used to love for so long had died. And crap.

The action in this novel and the plot twists that came by in my path was stunning. I loved how Leigh got the plot to us was just ah! So good!

The ending warmed my heart when Inej's parents were reunited with her. Finally, after being tortured through so much in her life, things started looking up for her.
I wish there were more books to this duology. Like a couple hundred of them. That would have been great.

Overall, I absolutely enjoyed this story so much and I think you all should read this as it will make your life a billion times better than it is now.
Xoxo, Ansu
