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Showing posts from March, 2016

Bookish Monday ~ J'adore New York

Author: Isabelle Laflèche Pages: 391 Published Date: April 20, 2010 Genre: Chick-lit Series: Yes, Book 1 Price: $13.99 CAD Paperback (English version) This story revolves around a lawyer by the name of Catherine Lambert who is from France. She was one of three among thirty people who got a transfer to Manhattan and she was the only person who got to work in the corporate group. She works her way up for 6 years and finally she is close to being a partner and she is determined to show it to her seniors. Catherine seems to have trouble in the way of some co-workers who gossip behind her back to tarnish her reputation in the competitive world. Between making the many billable hours and juggling her personal life, we can see the various struggles Catherine has to go through. Making all these matters worse, one of the company's biggest clients tries to make a move on her and she refuses for which she was accused against, which leads to her almost losing her job! Things start to look up w

Fangirl Friday ~ Sarah J. Maas

I think it is fairly obvious to all of you that I have sold my entire soul to authors and their books. One of them being Sarah obviously. I went through a major reading slump right after finishing Queen of Shadows and A Court of Thorns and Roses. I couldn't bring myself to read anything other than these beautiful books! If you have yet to read the books then I kid you not you have to get started like RIGHT NOW. Sarah' writing style and the execution of her stories are just phenomenal. She paints a beautiful world for you and even though it seems scary as heck to live in there you would still want to. The descriptions of her characters are also great and you can definitely have a beautiful image in the back of your mind! From the many interviews I have watched of her she also seems to be a really nice person. So there you go, read her books, die in the feels and come back to me for a hug because I am warning you now that she is going to be the death of all of us. Ansu / BookNerd

Bookish Monday ~ A Court of Thorns and Roses

Author: Sarah J. Maas Pages: 416 Published Date: May 5th, 2015 Genre: Young Adult Fantasy Series: Yes, Book 1 Price: $21 CAD - Hardcover $13.99 CAD - Paperback The story is in a way a retelling of the Beauty and the Beast. It revolves around the main character Feyre - who is a 19-year old huntress who fights for her family who is starving and ends up killing wolf. In retribution, a beast takes her away to a magical land. She obviously hates the faeries, but then she realizes who the beast was and the hatred turns into something of dry passion!  There is something horribly wrong in the faerie lands, and it is in Feyre's hands to help the beast (Tamlin) and his kingdom or destroy it. *** I was honestly afraid that Feyre would be like Celaena from Throne of Glass series, but she was nothing like her and I am so glad! Feyre is just one of those people you would have a world of respect for what all she sacrificed for her family I think that was very nice of her even though she didn'

Fangirl Friday ~ Series I ain't gonna finish!

So this is definitely a little different but let's start! I did try to read The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien a while back and found myself losing interest within 100 pages or so into the book. It felt like such a drag to me and I know a lot of people love his series The Lord of the Rings , but I just couldn't get myself to read the rest of the series. (I do know that The Hobbit is technically a standalone but still). Another series I lost interest after getting myself through the first book is Fallen series by Lauren Kate. While I really wanted to like this book, there seemed to be a lot happening and at the same time nothing at all. It didn't change my life drastically or feel like anything special AT ALL! Which in my opinion is such a disappointment in books. I have read the first 3 books of the Divergent series and haven't gotten round to reading the last installment which is Four by Veronica Roth. I did like Divergent truly, Insurgent seemed to have the second book synd