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Bookish Monday ~ J'adore New York

Author: Isabelle Laflèche
Pages: 391
Published Date: April 20, 2010
Genre: Chick-lit
Series: Yes, Book 1
Price: $13.99 CAD Paperback (English version)

This story revolves around a lawyer by the name of Catherine Lambert who is from France. She was one of three among thirty people who got a transfer to Manhattan and she was the only person who got to work in the corporate group. She works her way up for 6 years and finally she is close to being a partner and she is determined to show it to her seniors. Catherine seems to have trouble in the way of some co-workers who gossip behind her back to tarnish her reputation in the competitive world. Between making the many billable hours and juggling her personal life, we can see the various struggles Catherine has to go through.

Making all these matters worse, one of the company's biggest clients tries to make a move on her and she refuses for which she was accused against, which leads to her almost losing her job!
Things start to look up when another (HANDSOME) client shows up by the name of Jeffrey Richardson who is too good to be true and Catherine has problems regarding whether or not to believe this person. She gets herself into a major dilemma when Jeffrey asks her to do an unethical thing which could potentially lead her to be behind the bars. Did Jeffrey really care about Catherine at all? She has to make her choices for her job as well as try to figure out what she wants to do with her career now.


The book did start off in an interesting start as the law terms and billable hours were just bombarded at you. I did enjoy it while it wasn't my favorite chick-lit of all time, I still did enjoy it. The characters - Catherine was an enjoyable character but some characteristics of her were just odd. She is seemingly a wonderful lawyer who is trying to get all her billable hours in so that she can be a partner but simultaneously, she goes shopping in the middle of the day and gets drunk on one of these nights.Now the reason I said this is odd is because where is she being in a sense irresponsible? I do understand that she would want a personal  life outside work but if she is going to want to be a partner then she for sure has to work her butt off AND not leave work in the middle of the day. 
She is also responsible for all the works she has to do and it is not at her liberty to give it off to someone else. But this also happened a couple of times which makes me rethink about the character that is being portrayed,

Rikash - he is a Indian man who is gay and from the looks of it a very pretty guy indeed. He is the best friend one could ever have in the fashion department as well as being a genuinely nice guy. He helps Catherine through a lot of her problems and is definitely a boon to her existence throughout the book.

Antoine and Jeffrey - I did really like Jeffrey at least till things went awry. He seems like a really good person and damn is he good looking! Antoine also seemed like a genuinely nice guy but he was just outright rude at certain occasion which makes one think of his intentions as well.

Bonnie - well I think we all know what I think about her and keeping it PG she is just horrible.

The other characters like Nathan - I mean, he is married and about to have a child, why was he ogling at other people? Ummm... okay, that did make me a little too uncomfortable and I don't really know how to explain my feelings for this one.

The ending is kind of predictable even in the beginning because if you are like me and have read any books in this genre you have a mindset good enough to figure out these things.
The references she makes is too America-ish; I say this because she literally JUST moved to New York, how does she know the little phrases? That bothered me a bit too much to be honest. 

Overall, it was definitely interesting and I will read the rest of the series to see what happens!

Ansu / BookNerdSue
