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The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson

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   The Kiss of Deception by Mary E. Pearson

Pages: 492
Published Date: July 8th, 2014
Genre: YA Fantasy / Romance
Series: The Remnant Chronicles

The Kiss of Deception is the story about Princess Arabella also known as Lia, who decides that she does not want to get married to the random Prince from Dalbreck. She decides to run away on her wedding day and gets away from her homeland. She lives a beautiful life as a maid for some time and things go disturbingly for her. Her nightmares become real when she is haunted by the people that she has abandoned, and the ones that want her dead.
The Prince who she was supposed to marry has come in search of her, to probably teach her a lesson, and an assassin from another country has been sent to kill her.
When all these things are put together into a novel, it is bound to kill the reader with its feels.

I had not expected much from this novel so my heart was not set for the feelings associated with this book. There were many plot points that I was thoroughly happy to see and this is one book to devour for sure.

Lia is a rebel for her age in this society, where she was supposed to be held in isolation for being a girl and a princess at that, she has rebelled against all odds and ran away for a life of her own. Her brothers seem to be pretty proud of her, which is a sweet thought to have.

Image result for shocked brooklyn 99 gifThen we have the Prince and the Assassin - now this was something I was shocked with because I totally misread who the prince and assassin were supposed to be. I attached the wrong name to the title. Now I think this was done on purpose and I personally felt that it was well done.
It might be a situation where you read this and you completely know what is going to happen, but little Ansu had no flipping clue and she was left with her jaw dropping.

I expected the plot to have more of Lia escaping her homeland, as in the first few pages it is mentioned that she runs away and finds it difficult, but, let's be real, she's a princess! She should have had more detriments in her travel, but instead it was more like BAM! - now she is where she needs to be and she is living so peacefully.

Other than that, I thought this book was well-written in the way it was developed and thought through. I thoroughly enjoyed it and having also read the 2nd book in this series, I am glad I decided to pick it up.

Overall, I would say it was a very enjoyable read for me and I think you should give it an honest trial as well. 
Ansu ^_^
