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Bookish Monday ~ Shatter Me

Author: Tahereh Mafi
Pages: 338
Published Date: November 15th, 2011
Genre: Romance with a hint of dystopian
Series: Yes, The Juliette Chronicles book 1
Price: $12.50 CAD

Juliette hasn't touched anyone in 264 days. She has a power from which she cannot touch anyone lest they die. Her parents decided to give her up at a very young age and she lives in isolation in a cell with her own thoughts. No human interaction, on the verge of going crazy. The last time she had touched someone it was by accident and the Reestablishment had her locked up then.
The world is a horrible place, there are so many diseases and animals are dying way too quickly and the Reestablishment states that they can fix things and make the world a better place for everyone there. Once the people let go of everything to the Reestablishment, they decide to change their minds. They are pretty much unstoppable.
Juliette is special. Is she the only one of her kind? Are there more people like her? What will happen to her? Find out in this thrilling trilogy.


The story starts with Juliette in a cell writing things down in a notebook she had stolen. How she hasn't lost sanity in these many days is really hard to wrap my head around. One day at this time, a person, more specifically a boy is sent to her cell. Obviously she assumed that he was a lunatic as well. But it turns out the boy named Adam works for the Reestablishment.
Juliette is finally taken out of her cell for an offer by an arrogant boy named Warner. She is allowed to leave with him to work for the Reestablishment, basically in a way to torture people. She is taken to the headquarters where Warner, Adam and a bunch of others live. She is being again protected with surveillance all the time, that is, there are cameras in her room and also Adam has volunteered to stay with her even though he knows about her lethal touch.
Warner is pushing Juliette to become this horrifying person who would torture people but she is standing firmly against the whole idea of it as she doesn't want to hurt anyone even though she has been tortured and hurt all her life.
Did I forget to mention that Adam, Warner and another character by the name of Kenji are extremely cute?
She has to deal with a ton of problems or missions which Warner puts in her way. He puts her in a cage with a baby boy wearing nothing but a diaper, obviously not hurting him is really hard. She is horrified but saves the child. She tries to get to Warner and voila breaks through concrete just like that and pins him to the wall. Mind you she is probably anorexic by now as she hasn't eaten much in so many years.

I will say though Juliette even though she is insanely strong does not realize how powerful she is. She keeps leaning on the love interest in this novel and that made me really upset quite often. I would have loved to see her a little bit more stronger.

So Adam, the fact that he was in love with this girl he knew about ages ago is still mind-boggling to me. I had moments where I was like is Adam really a good guy and had many doubts in my head. But gosh he is the nicest soul!
Warner I felt like had a horrible childhood that is the only way i can justify his actions of wanting to hurt so many people and actually killing his own men. But many of things he does do make me want to hate him so bad.
When Adam and Juliette ran away I swear my heart skipped so many beats because that was some next level scary! To find that Adam has a little sweet brother is ugh too much to handle for my heart. I absolutely adored James, I feel like he will be one heck of a strong character if he were older.
*end of spoilers*

Okay, there is another character by the name of Kenji who helps Adam and Juliette in their time of trouble and I really don't want to give away much in hopes that I won''t be spoiling you. But Kenji is just a fun character who makes silly jokes almost all the time even at times of distress.

The writing style of this book is absolutely phenomenal. I have never seen anything like it in so many years of reading and that was very interesting and Tahereh just kept me hooked throughout the book. There was never a point where I was like - you know what I don't want to be reading this novel. I thoroughly enjoyed it.
Now if you are looking for a pure dystopian, you are not going to get it because this story does revolve around a romance quite heavily. While it isn't a spontaneous romance, it still might make you feel squirmy because how did it even happen???

Overall, a great fast-paced and fun novel. I cannot wait to read the rest of the series.

