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Fangirl Friday ~ abookutopia

It is Friday and that is absolutely amazing, another week down!
I hope you all had an excellent week.

This is a new addition to my blog, I wanted to do something where I have book reviews on Mondays and just basic fangirling on Friday.

I just wanted to talk about booktubers today.
Booktubers are people on (surprise!) youtube, who makes videos related to books.
I started watching a bunch of booktubers in the past month or so and honestly, this is what pushed me to start my own blog. (Because let's face it, I don't want the world to be terrified to look at me).

This week's randomness is abookutopia!!!
She is hands down one of my favorite booktubers. She has such a lot of fun content and just the way she talks about the books makes you feel warm and fuzzy inside.
I feel like Sasha is a person any unsocial bookworm in this world can absolutely connect to and even if you are completely social and just a bookworm (in which case I applaud you!) you would still adore her.
Let's not forget that she has the best bookcase in the universe and that is literally goals!

She also has a great taste in books, I find myself loving every single book she has talked about! (One of this series being Throne of Glass).

I would definitely recommend all of you to watch her videos when you have the time to because she is stunning!!!

