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Bookish Monday ~ Crossed

Author: Ally Condie
Pages: 367
Published Date: November 1, 2011
Genre: Young adult/Romance/Dystopian
Status: Trilogy (Second book)

Synopsis from Goodreads: The Society chooses everything. 
The books you read. 
The music you listen to. 
The person you love. 
Yet for Cassia the rules have changed. Ky has been taken and she will sacrifice everything to find him. 
And when Cassia discovers Ky has escaped to the wild frontiers beyond the Society there is hope.
But on the edge of society nothing is as it seems...
A rebellion is rising.
And a tangled web of lies and double-crosses could destroy everything.


The second book of the trilogy goes in depth of the fact that Cassia has gone in search of Ky. It shows all the trouble the both of them get into. The adventures that they had to go through were very enthralling. But to be honest, there were certain parts in the book which felt like a snooze fest and there were also others that made me stay up till 1 a.m.

The book is definitely a great read and ends in something like a cliffhanger. Each chapter of the book is divided into Ky’s and Cassia’s perspective which sometimes is engrossing but many a times I lost track of who the person was.

Xander is not in this book very much and that is a bummer to me.
I will surely read the next book to finish up what happens to all these lovely characters.

Overall, the book is a great read and I would recommend it, but it is not as good as the first one.

