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Review ~ Winter

Winter by Marissa Meyer
Pages: 823
Published Date: November 10th, 2015
Genre: YA, Sci-fi Fantasy
Series: Book 4 of The Lunar Chronicles series

I finally have my review up for this novel. I did finish reading it in about November of last year. But hey, better late than never eh?

Winter is the final book in the series and it is one epic finale. All of our favorite characters who we have grown to love in the previous books have come together for this one. Princess Winter is loved by all the people on Luna and her beauty is said to be even more breathtaking than Queen Levana itself. Obviously, this would irk the obnoxious woman. She has feelings for her childhood friend, Jacin and if he Queen knows of this she is going to be against it.

Winter seems to be weak because she doesn't use her powers for anything. She never manipulates anyone as she has sworn she would never do so for reasons that you would have to read about.

We see that all our favorite characters how equal portions of time in this book. The biggest mystery of why the disease is spreading is solved. And there is so much of heart-break and just a lot of action as well. 

Image result for emma stone yes i would have his babies gifCharacters - I really like Scarlet in this one. She was a little bit more likable than she was before and so was Wolf. Thorne, I mean do I have to even talk about him? He is sassy, perfect and just an all-rounder. Cress is sweet, innocent and just a ball of sunshine. 

Kai just blended with the group perfectly well. I really liked that he was in this novel much more than the other ones. Cinder has developed into a much better character. She has to solve the problems that she has been thrown into. She has to make a ton of decisions as to whether she actually wants to stay in Lunar and how to even get there in the first place. 

Image result for fangirl gifWinter being introduced in this novel as the most beautiful girl, and a little crazy at that was a refreshment. Everyone is so different from the other. Finding a resemblance amidst each other is one difficult task to achieve,

This whole novel will keep you on your toes asking for more than what it has delivered. Maybe even 4 more books to just try to sate us. This is the epitome of perfection. 

Overall, I would highly HIGHLY recommend this series to anyone who is just getting into the YA genre.
Xoxo, Ansu.
